On 19 February 2016 at 14:31, Luca Delucchi <lucadel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi devs,

Hi again,

> according to this ticket [0] Soeren added the -s flag to
> t.rast.aggregate and t.rast.aggregate.ds, I would like to extend (I
> already started) this flag to all the temporal modules using basename
> option. I discovered that -s flag is used in other modules for other
> meanings.
> In grass70 the only modules with basename and -s are t.rast*.mapcalc
> (-s is used also by t.sample). In grass71 several other modules are
> using -s.
> I would like to standardize the -s for the "start time" and also the
> other flags in the temporal modules.
> I would like to modify trunk and release the new flags only in the
> next major release, what do you think?
> [0] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2294

nobody has to suggest a way to follow?
without any comment against tomorrow I'll start to commit changes in trunk


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