On 24/02/16 01:53, Pedro Venâncio wrote:
Hi Moritz,

Thank you for your test!

Can you try to run v.net.distance with the same sample data?

v.net.distance --overwrite input=mynet@PERMANENT
output=distance_7779_7780 from_layer=2 from_cats=7779 to_layer=2
to_cats=7780 arc_column=FT_COST arc_backward_column=TF_COST

v.net.distance --overwrite input=mynet@PERMANENT
output=distance_7780_7779 from_layer=2 from_cats=7780 to_layer=2
to_cats=7779 arc_column=FT_COST arc_backward_column=TF_COST

In the image attached, green line is the result of the first run
(from_layer=2 from_cats=7779 to_layer=2 to_cats=7780), and red line is
the result of (from_layer=2 from_cats=7780 to_layer=2 to_cats=7779).

It seems that it calculates the route in the reverse way. What do you think?

I confirm. I've created a bug report: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2936.

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