#3161: different results by v.in.ogr --ui and vector import wizzard (data shift)
  Reporter:  hellik   |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
      Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
  Priority:  blocker  |  Milestone:  7.2.0
 Component:  Vector   |    Version:  svn-trunk
Resolution:           |   Keywords:  vector import
       CPU:  x86-64   |   Platform:  MSWindows 7

Comment (by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:1 mmetz]:
 > Replying to [ticket:3161 hellik]:
 > > follwoing location
 > >
 > > {{{
 > > g.proj -p
 > > -PROJ_INFO-------------------------------------------------
 > > name       : MGI / Austria Lambert
 > > datum      : hermannskogel
 > > ellps      : bessel
 > > proj       : lcc
 > > lat_1      : 49
 > > lat_2      : 46
 > > lat_0      : 47.5
 > > lon_0      : 13.33333333333333
 > > x_0        : 400000
 > > y_0        : 400000
 > > no_defs    : defined
 > > towgs84    : 577.326,90.129,463.919,5.1366,1.4742,5.2970,2.4232
 > > -PROJ_EPSG-------------------------------------------------
 > > epsg       : 31287
 > > -PROJ_UNITS------------------------------------------------
 > > unit       : meter
 > > units      : meters
 > > meters     : 1
 > > }}}
 > >
 > The towgs84 parameters could be a problem. GDAL uses similar towgs84
 parameters as default while GRASS uses as default
 > {{{
 > towgs84 : 653,-212,449,0,0,0,0
 > }}}

 the location was created by the location wizzard by EPSG:31287 and then
 the transformation for the region of Austria was used.


 g.proj -p epsg=31287

 in a EPSG:4326 and a EPSG:31287 location (both locations are created by
 the EPSG code, I get

 g.proj -p epsg=31287
 name       : MGI / Austria Lambert
 datum      : hermannskogel
 ellps      : bessel
 proj       : lcc
 lat_1      : 49
 lat_2      : 46
 lat_0      : 47.5
 lon_0      : 13.33333333333333
 x_0        : 400000
 y_0        : 400000
 towgs84    : 577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232
 no_defs    : defined
 epsg       : 31287
 unit       : meter
 units      : meters
 meters     : 1

 so GRASS seems to choose the same +towgs84 parameter as the underlying

 > Since
 > > and vector data (shapefile to import):
 > >
 > > {{{
 > > INFO: Open of `Gesamtgewaessernetz_v11_Tirol_epsg31287.shp'
 > >       using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
 > >
 > > Layer name: Gesamtgewaessernetz_v11_Tirol_epsg31287
 > > Metadata:
 > >   DBF_DATE_LAST_UPDATE=2016-09-16
 > > Geometry: Measured Line String
 > > Feature Count: 5095
 > > Extent: (118287.824753, 197521.746410) - (833235.119008,
 > > Layer SRS WKT:
 > > PROJCS["MGI_Austria_Lambert",
 > >     GEOGCS["GCS_MGI",
 > >         DATUM["Militar_Geographische_Institute",
 > >             SPHEROID["Bessel_1841",6377397.155,299.1528128]],
 > >         PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
 > >         UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],
 > >     PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"],
 > >     PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",49],
 > >     PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",46],
 > >     PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",47.5],
 > >     PARAMETER["central_meridian",13.33333333333333],
 > >     PARAMETER["false_easting",400000],
 > >     PARAMETER["false_northing",400000],
 > >     UNIT["Meter",1]]
 > > }}}
 > does not report towgs84 parameters, GRASS might decide that
 > > srs of location and data for import are matching.
 > srs of location and data for import are '''not''' matching.
 > Is the output of
 > {{{
 > g.proj -p
 > }}}

 g.proj -p
 name       : MGI / Austria Lambert
 datum      : hermannskogel
 ellps      : bessel
 proj       : lcc
 lat_1      : 49
 lat_2      : 46
 lat_0      : 47.5
 lon_0      : 13.33333333333333
 x_0        : 400000
 y_0        : 400000
 no_defs    : defined
 towgs84    : 577.326,90.129,463.919,5.1366,1.4742,5.2970,2.4232
 epsg       : 31287
 unit       : meter
 units      : meters
 meters     : 1

 the location was created by the location wizzard by EPSG:31287 and then
 the transformation for the region of Austria was used.

 > and
 > {{{
 > g.proj -p
 > }}}
 > identical?

 in an EPSG:4326 location I get:

 g.proj -p
 Versuche mit OGR zu öffnen...
 ...erfolgreich beendet.
 name       : MGI_Austria_Lambert
 datum      : hermannskogel
 ellps      : bessel
 proj       : lcc
 lat_1      : 49
 lat_2      : 46
 lat_0      : 47.5
 lon_0      : 13.33333333333333
 x_0        : 400000
 y_0        : 400000
 no_defs    : defined
 epsg       : 4326
 unit       : Meter
 units      : Meters
 meters     : 1

 and in an EPSG:31287 location I get

 g.proj -p
 Versuche mit OGR zu öffnen...
 ...erfolgreich beendet.
 name       : MGI_Austria_Lambert
 datum      : hermannskogel
 ellps      : bessel
 proj       : lcc
 lat_1      : 49
 lat_2      : 46
 lat_0      : 47.5
 lon_0      : 13.33333333333333
 x_0        : 400000
 y_0        : 400000
 no_defs    : defined
 epsg       : 31287
 unit       : Meter
 units      : Meters
 meters     : 1

 > If not, as v.import assumes, you might need to provide the EPSG code and
 the datum transformation parameters as input to v.import (which makes
 v.import more complicated as it was intended to be).

 now declaring EPSG code and datum_trans in v.import:

 v.import --verbose epsg=31287 datum_trans=2
 layer=Gesamtgewaessernetz_v11_Tirol_epsg31287 output=checkimport
 Creating temporary location for <D:\temp\Gesamtgewaessernetz_v11_Tirol>...
 Projektionsinformationen aktualisiert
 WARNING: All available OGR layers will be imported into vector map
 name       : MGI / Austria Lambert
 datum      : hermannskogel
 ellps      : bessel
 proj       : lcc
 lat_1      : 49
 lat_2      : 46
 lat_0      : 47.5
 lon_0      : 13.33333333333333
 x_0        : 400000
 y_0        : 400000
 no_defs    : defined
 towgs84    : 577.326,90.129,463.919,5.1366,1.4742,5.2970,2.4232
 epsg       : 31287
 unit       : meter
 units      : meters
 meters     : 1
 Importing <D:\temp\Gesamtgewaessernetz_v11_Tirol> ...
 Die Projektionsinformationen des Eingabedatensatzes und der aktuellen
 Location scheinen übereinzustimmen.
 Check if OGR layer <Gesamtgewaessernetz_v11_Tirol_epsg31287> contains
 Using native format
 Standard Treiber / Datenbank ist:
 Treiber: sqlite
 Datenbank: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db
 Importing 5095 features (OGR layer
 Erstelle Topologie für die Vektorkarte <checkimport@PERMANENT>...
 Registriere Primitive...
 5095 primitives registered
 1505379 Vertices registriert
 Erzeuge Flächen...
 0 areas built
 0 isles built
 Füge Inseln hinzu...
 Füge Zentroide hinzu...
 Die Topologie wurde erstellt.
 Anzahl der Knoten: 10108
 Anzahl der Primitive: 5095
 Anzahl der Punkte: 0
 Anzahl der Linien: 5095
 Anzahl der Grenzen: 0
 Anzahl der Zentroide: 0
 Anzahl der Flächen: 0
 Anzahl der Inseln: 0
 Reprojecting <checkimport>...
 Eingabe der Projektionsparameter:  +proj=lcc +lat_1=49
 +lat_2=46 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=13.33333333333333 +x_0=400000
 +y_0=400000 +no_defs +a=6377397.155 +rf=299.1528128
 Eingabe des Einheitenfaktors: 1
 Ausgabe der Projektionsparameter:  +proj=lcc +lat_1=49
 +lat_2=46 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=13.33333333333333 +x_0=400000
 +y_0=400000 +no_defs +a=6377397.155 +rf=299.1528128
 Ausgabe des Einheitenfaktors: 1
 Using native format
 Reprojecting primitives ...
 Erstelle Topologie für die Vektorkarte <checkimport@data>...
 Registriere Primitive...
 5095 primitives registered
 1505379 Vertices registriert
 Erzeuge Flächen...
 0 areas built
 0 isles built
 Füge Inseln hinzu...
 Füge Zentroide hinzu...
 Die Topologie wurde erstellt.
 Anzahl der Knoten: 10108
 Anzahl der Primitive: 5095
 Anzahl der Punkte: 0
 Anzahl der Linien: 5095
 Anzahl der Grenzen: 0
 Anzahl der Zentroide: 0
 Anzahl der Flächen: 0
 Anzahl der Inseln: 0

 > If the towgs84 parameters as reported by g.proj for the current location
 and for the input shapefile are not identical, this could be regarded as a
 bug in GRASS since the vast majority of GIS data is imported via
 r.in.gdal/v.in.ogr and GDAL/OGR automatically picks a preferred set of
 datum transformation parameters which GRASS should detect.
 > In this case the datum transformation parameters selected by GDAL are
 > {{{
 > towgs : 577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232
 > }}}
 > which is similar but not equal to those used in your location
 > {{{
 > towgs84 : 577.326,90.129,463.919,5.1366,1.4742,5.2970,2.4232
 > }}}
 > In the end, the user has to decide if reprojection is needed or if the
 source srs and the location srs are similar enough to allow for using
 v.in.ogr -o (override projection check). After investigating the input
 data with g.proj georef=<data to be imported> and ogrinfo/gdalinfo.

 for me it's not clear, as I've choosen GUI -> ''import common formats''
 and '''not''' GUI -> ''import of common formats with reprojection''. in
 this case I'm sure/assume my data is in the same srs and import should
 just works.

 it's quite confusing as v.in.ogr --ui imports the data correctly without
 the need of ''override projection check''.

 for me it's a regression, as I have to type ''v.in.ogr --ui'' to get
 correct results for a simple task of import data in the same srs as the

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3161#comment:2>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>

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