
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 12:00 AM, Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> in order to not hinder the addition of important new flags/parameters
> to modules while keeping things optionally easy it would be good to
> implement some expert mode to the parser.
> The flags and parameters for advanced users should be hidden by
> default (maybe by using an extra definition in order to "tag" them in
> the source code). Then e.g. by setting a variable they would become
> visible in the help text and GUI.
> Probably they should be always accepted when being invoked.

 This makes sense to me. If I type name.module --help and the command line
yield too long a list of parameters, I normally prefer reading it on the
manual page, where it is more clear, and I find extremely useful the usage
examples of the flags. I don't find it very informative to list all the
flags in command line, even the less used. There could be for example a
--ext-help for extended help display. So for example, typing only --help
would list only most used options and would end with "type --ext-help for
extended help" or something like that.

My 2 c

Margherita Di Leo
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