Dear all,

next GRASS GIS Raleigh meetup is November 5. We had meetup almost every
month since December 2015. If you are or know people from the area, help us
spread the word for this one by tweets, personal emails, or whatever feels
appropriate to you. If not, then get inspired and organize one yourself.
See full announcement at the bottom of the email.

Best regards,

GRASS GIS Raleigh meetup, November 5, Hunt at NC State

Interested in using GRASS GIS as a geospatial processing backend? Or for
reproducible research with Python? Or as a surprisingly powerful desktop
GIS? Then come to the November GRASS GIS Raleigh meetup which will be
specifically focused on getting newcomers started with anything ranging
from using GRASS GIS to programing and contributing. The meetup is planned
for Saturday, November 5. Meet in 4502 Fishbowl at the Hunt library at NC
State Centennial Campus at 2 PM. Join any time during the afternoon; we
will be there at least till 6 PM, but there is an option to stay longer.

Contact Vaclav Petras (Vashek) if you have any questions:
wenzeslaus gmail com

See this page for details:
grass-dev mailing list

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