#3250: Build log is not visible for Mac OS on Travis CI
 Reporter:  wenzeslaus                           |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
     Type:  enhancement                          |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                               |  Milestone:  7.4.0
Component:  Compiling                            |    Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:  travis-ci, osx, CI, testing, tests,  |        CPU:  Unspecified
  build, logs                                    |
 Platform:  MacOSX                               |
 The automatic build on Travis for Mac would be much more helpful if it
 would include the compilation details as it does for Linux.

 There is not that much difference between failed and passed build:

 Failing: https://travis-ci.org/GRASS-GIS/grass-ci/jobs/189871970

 Passing: https://travis-ci.org/GRASS-GIS/grass-ci/jobs/190733886

 I don't know if it related to the fact that `osx` build is using Homebrew
 instead of building straight from the source code in the repository. It is
 good that brew build gets tested but I would expect that it would be done
 in the same way as for `linux`.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3250>
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