yes this is indeed a pickle.

maybe something like:
-> d.mon "get the selected wx display, if none, then d.mon wx0"

if exist and selected:
add output from this module to its "stack" (i.e. set of already run d.*
-> v.random in=bla.vect out=blaout.vect -a
the -a flag in the module would take the actual selected monitor history of
d.* commands and add one line with the "d.vect blaout.vect" at the end, and
run the new history in it.


Yann Chemin
Planetary Scientist
*OSGeo: *

On 3 February 2017 at 11:10, Martin Landa <> wrote:

> 2017-02-03 11:04 GMT+01:00 Yann Chemin <>:
> > say all raster and imagery and vector modules that generate output
> map(s), I
> > would like this(ese) map(s) to be added to the current stack in the
> current
> > display, the same way it works in the GUI version of the modules (i.e.
> > Check-box "Add created maps to layer tree").
> so, something like:
> # new flag -a: Add new maps to display automaticaly
> d.mon wx0 -a
> v.random out=p1 n=1000 # new map added to display
> ?
> But in this case you cannot control display parameters
> (d.vect/d.rast). There is no layer tree to define properties
> afterwards. I am not sure if such flag would make sense.
> Now you need:
> d.mon wx0
> v.random ...
> d.vect p1 ...
> Ma
> --
> Martin Landa
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