Hi Paul,

in grass-dev ML you can likely find guidance, putting it in cc. Thanks.

On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 9:51 PM, Paul Schrum <ptsch...@ncsu.edu> wrote:

> Thank you Adam.
> I was able to build PDAL from source following instructions at Unix
> Compilation <https://www.pdal.io/development/compilation/unix.html>.  I
> then ran all of the unit tests based on Testing
> <https://www.pdal.io/development/testing.html#pdal-test>.
> Later I realized that I am not able to read .laz files.  Doing so will be
> essential to my project's success.  The way I know it can't read laz is,
> from the command line, I enter:
> pdal info autzen.laz
> and it responds:
> PDAL: readers.las: Can't read compressed file without LASzip or LAZperf
> decompression library.
> Do I need to download LASzip source and build that, then rebuild pdal?
> - Paul
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Adam Steer <adam.st...@anu.edu.au> wrote:
>> Hi Paul
>> What issues are you having with PDAL and LAZ compression? I don’t know if
>> I can help for your use case, but I do have a working PDAL/laszip/laz-perf
>> system natively installed on Linux without docker.
>> Also I’m not officially a mentor of your or any project, but happy to
>> help - and happy to discuss with your mentor(s) also if need be.
>> Cheers
>> Adam
>> --
>> Dr. Adam Steer
>> Earth systems data service specialist
>> National Computational Infrastructure
>> Leonard Huxley Building, Mills Road
>> The Australian National University
>> Acton ACT 2600 Australia
>> adam.st...@anu.edu.au
>> +61 2 6125 1413
>> http://nci.org.au
>> > On 5 Jun 2017, at 11:13 am, Paul Schrum <ptsch...@ncsu.edu> wrote:
>> >
>> > Submitted by Paul Schrum
>> > Also available at Integration Of PDAL into GRASS GIS
>> >
>> >       • What did you get done this week?
>> >       • Built GRASS73 from source from my local repo directoy.
>> >       • Stepped into a module (v.in.ascii) using the debugger to watch
>> it work at the source code level. This was only proving the concept of
>> stepping into the code – just getting it to work.
>> >       • Talked with my mentor about the nature of the existing
>> v.in.pdal module and what are some of the things which must be changed,
>> fixed, or improved.
>> >       • What do you plan on doing next week?
>> >       • Continue stepping through v.in.ascii to see how it works at the
>> source level in order to understand how to write points to a vectormap.
>> >       • Get GRASS 73 to link to current version of PDAL.
>> >       • Fix broken references to PDAL data structures in the GRASS
>> source
>> >       • Refactor existing v.in.pdal so that operations which r.in.pdal
>> and r3.in.pdal will need are in a separate module and available as
>> functions to be called from all three of them.
>> >       • Learn the process of calling PDAL and how to get it to do the
>> basic operation of reading a lidar file and handing over the data to the
>> caller.
>> >       • Set up a basic set of test data for PDAL, open it from pdal
>> without GRASS, then open it using pdal through GRASS with only the most
>> basic options in operation.
>> >       • Get PDAL to be able to read .laz (compressed) files. For some
>> reason it can’t do that after build-from-source.
>> >       • Are you blocked on anything?
>> > I had two listed on the Wiki when I originally posted it, but my mentor
>> helped me work through those before the end of the reporting period for
>> Week 1. So there are currently no issues blocking me.
>> >
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