Sorry, sorry... that was a different band... I realize now. So, for the
record, no issues,
gdalinfo -mm T21KZP_20171212T134159_B02.jp2
reports the same range as the one I see after importing in grass.

Computed Min/Max=15.000,17547.000

Again, sorry for the noise and thanks for the -mm hint, MM :)


2018-02-05 20:54 GMT+01:00 Veronica Andreo <>:

> Forgot the list, sorry...
> -------
> Hi Markus,
> here the output of gdalinfo -mm for the same band reported earlier:
> gdalinfo -mm T21KZP_20171212T134159_B01.jp2
> Driver: JP2OpenJPEG/JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library
> Files: T21KZP_20171212T134159_B01.jp2
> [...]
> Band 1 Block=192x192 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray
>   Min=908.000 Max=1511.000   Computed Min/Max=934.000,6934.000
>   Minimum=908.000, Maximum=1511.000, Mean=1138.806, StdDev=74.933
>   Overviews: 915x915, 457x457, 228x228, 114x114
>   Overviews: arbitrary
>   Metadata:
>     STATISTICS_MEAN=1138.8064
>     STATISTICS_STDDEV=74.933459275813
>   Image Structure Metadata:
>     NBITS=15
> still differs a lot from what I get after importing into GRASS.
> System Info
> GRASS version: 7.5.svn
> GRASS SVN revision: r72203
> Build date: 2018-01-01
> Build platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
> GDAL: 2.1.3
> PROJ.4: 4.9.3
> GEOS: 3.6.1
> SQLite: 3.20.1
> Python: 2.7.14
> wxPython:
> Platform: Linux-4.14.14-200.fc26.x86_64-x86_64-with-fedora-26-Twenty_Six
> best,
> Vero
> 2018-02-05 19:49 GMT+01:00 Markus Metz <>:
>> On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 1:14 PM, Veronica Andreo <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I tested also with 74 release branch... same result
>> >
>> > 2018-02-05 13:05 GMT+01:00 Veronica Andreo <>:
>> >>
>> >> Hi devs
>> >>
>> >> I'm testing Martin's new add-on, r.sentinel.import. I created an
>> UTM21S location for my data and imported them with:
>> >>
>> >> r.sentinel.import input=Downloads/S2B_MSIL1C_201
>> 71212T134159_N0206_R124_T21KZP_20171212T201017.SAFE/GRANULE/
>> L1C_T21KZP_A004011_20171212T134158/IMG_DATA/
>> >>
>> >> The problem arose when I tried to use i.color.enhance to display an
>> RGB: I got blank screens, so I thought there must be something with the
>> range of values.
>> >>
>> >> r.univar map=T21KZP_20171212T134159_B02@PERMANENT
>> >> total null and non-null cells: 120560400
>> >> total null cells: 0
>> >> Of the non-null cells:
>> >> ----------------------
>> >> n: 120560400
>> >> minimum: 15
>> >> maximum: 17547
>> >> range: 17532
>> >> mean: 913.778
>> >> mean of absolute values: 913.778
>> >> standard deviation: 134.322
>> >> variance: 18042.4
>> >> variation coefficient: 14.6996 %
>> >> sum: 110165471238
>> >>
>> >> that already seemed odd...
>> >> I checked the original band2 jp2 file... Values are different...
>> >>
>> >> gdalinfo T21KZP_20171212T134159_B02.jp2
>> >> Driver: JP2OpenJPEG/JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library
>> >> Files: T21KZP_20171212T134159_B02.jp2
>> >> ...
>> >> Band 1 Block=1024x1024 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray
>> >>   Min=602.000 Max=1576.000
>> >>   Minimum=602.000, Maximum=1576.000, Mean=916.799, StdDev=123.509
>> >>   Overviews: 5490x5490, 2745x2745, 1372x1372, 686x686
>> >>   Overviews: arbitrary
>> >>   Metadata:
>> >>     STATISTICS_MEAN=916.7992
>> >>     STATISTICS_STDDEV=123.50943477872
>> >>   Image Structure Metadata:
>> >>     COMPRESSION=JPEG2000
>> >>     NBITS=15
>> Can you try again with gdalinfo -mm? This forces computation of the
>> actual min/max values, which can differ from what is stored in the metadata
>> (an approximation).
>> There can also be something wrong with i.color.enhance
>> Markus M
>> >>
>> >> Just to check, I imported with and I'm getting exactly the
>> same as with r.sentinel.import.
>> >>
>> >> What am I doing wrong here? Why would change values like
>> that? What else needs to be set? I don't remember to have this problem
>> before and it happens in all bands as far as I've checked.
>> >>
>> >> Ah, I'm using trunk r72203
>> >>
>> >> Thanks in advance for any help :)
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> Vero
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
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>> >
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