Dear all,

I'm answering here rather than the "[GRASS-dev] External providers in QGIS"
thread since here we have the technical discussion already. I'm also
removing grass-user list.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 3:56 PM, Stefan Blumentrath <> wrote:
> The text descriptor files have been a real pain for maintaining interfaces
> for GRASS integration in Processing as well as the GRASS plugin. In
> addition, they make usage of AddOns practically impossible for most of the
> QGIS users.

There were already suggestions to change it in the past to something based
on "--interface-description", but it always hit various issues like those
things you mention below. However, I think that it is exactly what needs to
be done in any case because only that is sustainable and potentially also
reusable by other tools (besides QGIS). The reuse is quite interesting also
in the relation to the automatic import, export and temporary location (in
context of --exec or grass_session).

> However, for QGIS (and this is true for both integrations), the module UI
> was deliberately simplified by hiding / removing “advanced” option or
> splitting modules into “sub-types”.

Here the question is how important it is to do (keep) this or if perhaps
different solution would give better result. For example, splitting (in the
QGIS interface) r.slope.aspect to r.slope and r.aspect (and more) makes it
slower for the user to compute slope and aspect - 2x filling the form and
2x loading input data. Reorganization of r.slope.aspect interface may
result in more convenient form and shorter computation than the "r.slope +
r.aspect" solution.

> In addition not all modules could be meaningful added to the two QGIS
> integrations (e.g. temporal modules in Processing).

I think there needs to be a white list or back list. It seems analogous to
the "toolboxes" for wxGUI. All r3.* and t.* modules are out for QGIS, but I
think the rest needs to be hand picked. The limitation of the hand picking
is that it does not work for addons and custom modules in general.

> And finally, some require extra work on the QGIS side (like r.mapcalc).

We should address this ASAP in the process. Besides r.mapcalc, it is esp.
modules which output list of maps which are either time series (e.g.
r.sim.water with -t) or multiple results (e.g. r.texture method=asm,var
output=basename). (There is a discussion about this somewhere on the list.)
I'm not sure what is the current solution for i.* which take a group,
perhaps a list or a multiband file is good (?). In relation that, t.* and
r3.* modules could take and output a list of maps (multiband) as well.

> So, I would assume that a --qgis-descriptor solution would be most
> appropriate.

It can be " --qgis-descriptor" or "g.get.interface module= format=qgis" which can take the general (or generalized)
--interface-description and transform it to what the processing adapter
tool needs (or it can be just part of the adapter).

> But that would still require additional work (beyond implementing a parser
> solution) if the principles for the GRASS module UI in QGIS should stay as
> it is, like:
> -          Tagging options and flags as advanced or basic/main/common

We already have the sections and also required parameters marked (in GUI),
so the question is why it is not enough. Perhaps just fixing that is enough
(for example description for each group). But of course if we say that the
requirement for QGIS alg is that there is less than 5 options and no flags,
then we need some additional system.

> (could be an opportunity to consolidate terminology in the module UI in
> GRASS as well)

I think one of the challenges brought up in the past was GRASS terminology
versus QGIS terminology. We don't have a comparison table for that, but we
have one for ArcGIS [1] and there are some obvious things like "vector map"
versus "vector layer" and than GRASS' "layer of vector map".

I can see 3 solutions: 1) ignore the differences, 2) come up with different
names (I think we have been there already), or 3) have a special
description field which is QGIS-friendly or OGC glossary compliant if


> -          Deciding which modules to use / exclude from QGIS (and how to
> mark them)

We have the "toolbox" mechanism to populate things in wxGUI, so the files
can be reused to create algorithm tree for QGIS. One needs to add the
modules there explicitly and then additionally find addons, but we do that
for wxGUI now.

> -          …
> Maybe also Ondrejs work could be useful here :
> ?

Yes, for the QGIS GRASS plugin. I'm not sure how much the plugin is part of
this discussion. Not long ago, Radim worked on it a lot. Ondrej's work is
aimed at what the C++ plugin is aimed at and what wxGUI is aimed at - i.e.
it's a Qt interface to GRASS which could be used in GRASS or as QGIS
plugin. I don't think it is useful for the processing part, but it is a
good prototype to start from. Currently it misses a lot of features, it is
basically limited reimplementation of gui/.../ There is also some
raster rendering work from Soeren which is parallel to the C++/C part of
the QGIS GRASS plugin.


> Cheers
> Stefan
> *From:* grass-dev [] *On Behalf
> Of *Rashad Kanavath
> *Sent:* mandag 5. februar 2018 17.06
> *To:* Moritz Lennert <>
> *Cc:*;; Helmut
> Kudrnovsky <>
> *Subject:* Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS-user] Keeping GRASS/OTB/... algorithm
> in qgis processing
> On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 2:49 PM, Moritz Lennert <
>> wrote:
> On 05/02/18 13:51, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:
> Von: "Moritz Lennert"
> I don't know how difficult it would be to create such algorithm
> descriptions automagically.
> &type=&utf8=%E2%9C%93
> AFAIU there are some general python scripts to provide it in processing:
> e.g.
> python/plugins/processing/algs/grass7/
> No, this is the provider itself, not a tool to create the descriptions.
> and there are a lot of txt files providing the module interface
> e.g
> python/plugins/processing/algs/grass7/description/r.out.png.txt
> r.out.png
> Export a GRASS raster map as a non-georeferenced PNG image
> Raster (r.*)
> QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer|input|Input raster|None|False
> QgsProcessingParameterNumber|compression|Compression level of PNG file (0
> = none, 1 = fastest, 9 = best)|QgsProcessingParameterNu
> mber.Integer|6|True|0|9
> and other files
> My question was whether it would be possible to create these description
> files more or less automagically.
> I think the python scripts for more complex operations have to be created
> manually.
> IIUC (from rapid reading of the threads on the qgis-developer list),
> Rashad's suggestion was to keep the *AlgorithmProvider code in the QGIS
> code base, but to possibly move the creation of the description and script
> files to a plugin managed outside QGIS core, possibly by the respective
> external software teams.
> Yes. your are right on track! the idea is external tools (processing
> providers) manage descriptor files in a format requested by qgis
> processing.
> I see already name-of-grass-module --interface-descriptor which gives an
> xml for GRASS gui.
> what qgis want is a csv in a specific format. The contents of qgis
> descriptor seems much less compared to --interface-descriptor.
> Correct me if I am wrong, --interface-descriptor is available in all grass
> modules. So maybe a --qgis can do the work.
> This has some advantages.
> * GRASS developers are free to fix parameter name, parameter description,
> list of modules(add and remove) changes without affecting qgis.
> * grass 7.5 has 10 modules and grass 7.9 can have 15 and same QGIS will
> work.
> * QGIS will not need to maintain these files and keep updating/adding new
> modules with their release process. whatever is generated from a grass
> build/install have better integration with qgis
> * Finally this descriptors for qgis are generated with a makefile target
> that allows users and packagers to include it.
> * QGIS can use multiple version of grass by changing install prefix
> because descriptors are *always* found in a directory relative to install
> prefix.
> QGIS provider will be like:
> I picked a descriptor file
> parse and make the ui,
> take input and execute whatever program the descriptor is to run.
> QGIS already manages parsing of parameters and running them. So for
> providers who wish to be integrated in qgis will deal with a descriptor
> file and things go fine.
> Having a single interface to launch all or most of toolboxes (willing to
> contribute descriptor with installation) can have same way of execution. At
> that point, QGIS should consider
> adding some generic code in provider and avoid plugins for such toolboxes.
> Moritz
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> --
> Regards,
>    Rashad
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