[all deleted]

In the same script,

import grass.script as g
from grass.gunittest.case import TestCase


rescale_output = g.read_command('r.rescale', overwrite=True, verbose=True,
       input=band, output=output_map_name, to=to_range)
print rescale_output

cls.runModule('r.rescale', overwrite=True, verbose=True,
       input=band, output=output_map_name, to=to_range)

the former will print the output of `r.rescale`, the latter will not.

Is there a way to get the output of `runModule`, while building a test suite?
And avoid using a `grass.script` function?

Is the purpose of `expecting_stdout=False` in `runModule()` to test if a
module emits something to stdout? [0]

Thanks, Nikos


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