The crash is in both wxPython 3 and 4. There is a bug report with output text 
and a link to a possible lead on what is wrong. You can reproduce this on any 
of the new Mac binaries. 


C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
Arizona State University
voice:  480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-965-8130/727-9746 (CSDC)
fax: 480-965-7671 (SHESC),  480-727-0709 (CSDC)
On 4/30/18, 7:09 AM, "Moritz Lennert" <> wrote:

    On 30/04/18 00:03, Markus Neteler wrote:
    > On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 8:41 PM, Michael Barton <> 
    >> The broken digitizer appears to be a consequence of moving Mac compiling 
to wxPython 3 from the old wxPython 2.8 that Linux and (I think) Windows still 
use (wxPython 4 is now the current version and the digitizer is broken in that 
version too).
    > It got released earlier this year: 2018-01-31
    > That means it will take time yet to reach all the various distros.
    >> Note that wxPython 2.8 is 32 bit and most of the rest of GRASS is now 64 
    > ... on Mac OS X.
    >> Unless someone has tried new wxPython with GRASS on another platform, 
there is a reasonable chance that this same bug will crop up elsewhere. It also 
looks like it may be the same bug that crashes interactive imagery classifier 
    > Right but so far there are no(t too many) production ready distros
    > shipping wxPython 4 (I checked Fedora and Debian).
    It is in Debian testing [1], so will (normally) be in next Debian stable.
    But IIUC, the crash in MacOSX is not due to wxPython 4, but rather to 
    wxPython 3 (which is already in Debian stable). Michael, do I understand 
    this correctly ? Is there a bug report with a reproducible example 
    somewhere ?

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