Thanks Vaclav,

There needs to be some consensus on how we want to refer to this feature of 
GRASS: CRS, SRS, Project, something else…   Then we can move toward changing 
the interface text accordingly. I’ll check out the WIKI too.



C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
Arizona State University

voice:  480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-965-8130/727-9746 (CSDC)
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From: Vaclav Petras <>
Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 8:15 AM
To: Michael Barton <>
Cc: GRASS developers list <>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] a proposal to rename "location"

On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 6:51 PM, Michael Barton 
<<>> wrote:
As one of the most venerable desktop GIS packages and perhaps THE most 
venerable still in existence, GRASS has some quirks that harken back to its 
origins long ago. Most are simply quirky. But the folder hierarchy called a 
“location” is very confusing in today’s GIS world. Originally, it did primarily 
refer to maps referencing a geographic location in the world. Although that 
meaning still exists in the ‘default region’, GRASS locations primarily refer 
to a coordinate reference system (CRS). In fact, while the CRS of a location 
cannot be changed (unless you manually alter some of the files in the 
directory, at the risk of making maps unuseable), the default region can be. So 
a location now refers to a fixed CRS and a changeable geographic extent.

Use of the anachronistic term “location” to refer to a CRS is a quirk that 
makes GRASS more confusing to initial users.

I agree that the current situation is not satisfactory and I think your 
description of the situation is very good. The "project location" or just 
"project" or even "coordinate system" were all terms which were used in the 6.4 
startup/welcome window:<>

I though it will be much better in order to avoid confusion to go with just one 
term and properly explain it. Without changing anything, I of course needed to 
go with location in the new startup window and documentation:<><>

However, I think it is still quite hard for users to understand and it becomes 
difficult to talk about location because of the general meaning of that word. 
Possible solutions include better interface (e.g. the new startup), change in 
paradigm (in interface or also in core), and a different name.

Generally, the new name should be considered together the related terms, such 
as [default] region, database, mapset, and [vector] map.

I'm not in favor of "CRS" because a CRS is description of the reference system. 
It is a property of the data or a name of particular part of metadata. Location 
in GRASS GIS is a collection of spatial data with a common CRS.

I've tried to use "Location" (with capital L) and "GRASS Location" to make it 
clear what location we are talking about, but it suffers from the same issues 
as simple "location". For example: Is GRASS location directory on your computer 
where you have GRASS GIS installation?

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