Dear developers,

are there any plans to improve d.rast.leg?

The d.* tools, I bet, are pretty much part of any prototyping work.
If not of any development phase of real work too.

`d.legend` has some handy flags, i.e.

 -v   Do not show category labels
 -c   Do not show category numbers
 -b   Show background
 -l   Use logarithmic scale

which are not present in `d.rast.leg`.

As well, with `d.rast.leg` it is not possible to modify the sizing of
the "map" inside the frame, nor font(size)s.  Some times, it's hard to
understand why the size of the legend differs between maps that are
actually of the same type and their values range within the same set of
numbers. And the title is simply too small. Yet, it is useful that the
map is smaller than the frame.

At this point, I am not sure/forgot whether `d.rast.leg` uses multiple
frames to split map and legend.

On the other hand, building a decent output, including text and legend,
takes a bit more than one command. Usually three (`d.rast`, `d.text`,

The aim is to have a straightforward and decent output that can be used,
for example, in manuals. With less time spending on re-building what
actually `d.rast.leg` should provide.


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