Hi everyone,

On 4/02/19 14:34, Veronica Andreo wrote:

I plan to attend and I can help if you want to propose a workshop. What about the OBIA processing chain? I would like to take such a workshop indeed ;)

Personally, I was thinking on offering a TGRASS workshop (as we did in Paris and elsewhere), something like processing and visualization of time series in GRASS. Help is welcome too :)

So, two subjects on the floor:

1) remote sensing/classification which could include the OBIA tool chain, the pixel based options including machine learning (notably r.learn.ml) and maybe even something about the deep learning modules from Ondrej.

2) time series

Should we focus on one workshop and bundle our forces, or should we be ambitious and offer two workshops ? I'm willing to help with a time series workshop, but am less familiar with these techniques.

A hands-on OBIA workshop shouldn't be too difficult to put together, but if we want to integrate the r.learn.ml and the deep learning approaches I would appreciate some support.

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