Dear Roger,

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 10:49 AM Roger Bivand <> wrote:
> Since rgdal::make_EPSG() is facing the same problems of listing tabulated
> EPSG fields as g.proj -l, I was very happy to see Markus' code in
> g.proj/main.c mentioned in this thread, and have used this approach in
> However, there are plenty of messages such as: "proj_as_proj_string:
> Unsupported conversion method: Lambert Conic Conformal (West
Orientated)". I
> haven't installed GRASS trunk with PROJ6, so I can't see whether g.proj -l
> also sees the same messages. If it does, maybe we could ask on the proj
> how they might be captured for summary reporting. I think they are coming
> from line 5758 in src/iso19111/coordinateoperation.cpp or maybe line 906
> same file. Maybe PROJ now has an error handler that
> Another question concerns the issue of whether one needs to free objects
> created, in particular proj_crs_info and pj. Not so important for g.proj,
> which exists when done, but important for rgdal whose functions don't
> Anyway, very helpful to see that Markus is looking at the same issues as
> are!

Regarding parsing the traditional PROJ init files, I looked at pj_init.c in
PROJ 5 and earlier and attempted to improve parsing those traditional init
files in GRASS trunk r74224. I guess that R as well as GRASS is trying to
support PROJ versions from 4(.8) onwards.


Markus M
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