
we should think what to do with grass-addons [1] after migration to
git. The concept of the one single addons repo goes somehow against
distributed approach. But never mind, we will keep this repo for
people who want to put their addons to the single place (and teach
meanwhile `g.extension` to collect addons from more repositories).
Anyway this mail is more about cleaning-up the current content.

* grass6/ content could be moved to new branch grass6
* grass7/ content will become master
* roadmap/ content can be partially moved to `grass-promo` repo
* tools/ content could be moved to a new git repo,
`grass-maintenance-tools` (any idea for better name).

Any ideas/comments? Thanks, Ma

[1] https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-addons

Martin Landa
grass-dev mailing list

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