#4009: 'where' option in v.to.rast can select wrong feature for raster 
in areas where features overlap
  Reporter:  florisvdh  |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal     |  Milestone:  7.8.3
 Component:  Vector     |    Version:  svn-releasebranch76
Resolution:             |   Keywords:  v.to.rast sql where
       CPU:  x86-64     |   Platform:  Linux

Comment (by florisvdh):

 **@mmetz**: see the attachment.

 A few examples of sets of polygons which have the same polygon but
 different attributes:

 - cat 21936 and 21937
 - cat 21829 and 21830
 - cat 22114 and 22115

 The original data set from which it was derived (involved more
 steps] apart from clipping), is at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3540740

 Some additional output to show region and a few steps:

 $ g.region -p
 projection: 99 (Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72)
 zone:       0
 datum:      bel72
 ellipsoid:  international
 north:      244030.1
 south:      153054.1
 west:       22029.6
 east:       258861.6
 nsres:      32
 ewres:      32
 rows:       2843
 cols:       7401
 cells:      21041043

 $ g.region w=196065 e=199009 s=188877 n=190989 save=debug

 $ g.region -p
 projection: 99 (Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72)
 zone:       0
 datum:      bel72
 ellipsoid:  international
 north:      190989
 south:      188877
 west:       196065
 east:       199009
 nsres:      32
 ewres:      32
 rows:       66
 cols:       92
 cells:      6072

 $ v.clip -r input=polygon_layer output=polygon_layer_debug

 $ v.out.ogr input=polygon_layer_debug output=polygon_layer_debug.gpkg


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/4009#comment:5>
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