#4020: r.in.lidar / v.in.lidar missing in Ubunutgis package
  Reporter:  sbl        |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal     |  Milestone:
 Component:  Packaging  |    Version:  unspecified
Resolution:             |   Keywords:  Ubuntugis
       CPU:  All        |   Platform:  Linux

Comment (by Bas Couwenberg):

 libLAS is deprecated and PDAL should be used instead, the
 [https://liblas.org/ libLAS website] documents this:
 > As of 2018, libLAS has been replaced by the [https://pdal.io/ PDAL]
 project and it is in hibernation or maintenance mode. libLAS does not
 provide support for LAS or LAZ 1.4, which PDAL does. PDAL also provides
 support for many more formats, the notion of
 [https://www.pdal.io/pipeline.html PDAL pipelines], Python support, and
 has packages for OSGeo4W, !Docker/Ubuntu/Alpine, and OSX Homebrew.
 Additionally, libLAS’ Python capabilities are much better expressed by the
 pure-Python [http://laspy.org laspy] library, and if manipulating LAS data
 in Python is your ultimate desire, use that instead of libLAS.

 The liblas package has been from Debian, and hence the grass package is
 only built with pdal. Because the grass package in UbuntuGIS uses the same
 source as Debian it likewise no longer supports liblas.

 While liblas is still available in Ubuntu bionic, their next LTS (focal)
 won't have it either as it was removed in eoan.

 Functionality provided by *.in.lidar should be ported to their *.in.pdal
 counterparts or port *.in.lidar to use PDAL instead of libLAS.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/4020#comment:1>
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