#4021: r.import/v.import: confusing error message "ERROR: proj"
 Reporter:  neteler             |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
     Type:  defect              |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal              |  Milestone:  7.8.3
Component:  Raster              |    Version:  git-releasebranch78
 Keywords:  r.import, v.import  |        CPU:  Unspecified
 Platform:  Unspecified         |
 For most users the "ERROR: proj" part in the notification which CRS was
 found and that the reprojection does not match that of the current
 location is confusing, also in a technical sense as it is sent to stderr:

 grass78 ~/grassdata/nc_spm_08/user1

 # generate test data
 v.out.ogr input=roadsmajor output=roadsmajor.gpkg
 ogr2ogr -t_srs epsg:4326 roadsmajor_LL.gpkg roadsmajor.gpkg

 v.import input=roadsmajor_LL.gpkg output=test --o
 WARNING: Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location.

          Location PROJ_INFO is:
          name: Lambert Conformal Conic
          proj: lcc
          datum: nad83
          a: 6378137.0
          es: 0.006694380022900787
          lat_1: 36.16666666666666
          lat_2: 34.33333333333334
          lat_0: 33.75
          lon_0: -79
          x_0: 609601.22
          y_0: 0
          no_defs: defined
          init: EPSG:3358

          Dataset PROJ_INFO is:
          name: WGS 84
          datum: wgs84
          ellps: wgs84
          proj: ll
          no_defs: defined

          ERROR: proj                          <=== ?!
 Importing <roadsmajor_LL.gpkg> ...
 Check if OGR layer <roadsmajor> contains polygons...
 Creating attribute table for layer <roadsmajor>...
 Default driver / database set to:
 driver: sqlite
 database: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db
 Column name <cat> renamed to <cat_>
 Importing 355 features (OGR layer <roadsmajor>)...
 Building topology for vector map <test@PERMANENT>...
 Registering primitives...
 Reprojecting <test>...
 WARNING: Vector map <test> already exists and will be overwritten
 Reprojecting primitives ...
 Building topology for vector map <test@user1>...
 Registering primitives...

 Hence, "ERROR" followed by "Importing..." is not ideal.

 I didn't get yet an idea since the message is composed in


 Effectively, the "ERROR" part should be suppressed when r.in.gdal was
 called by r.import (v.in.ogr respectively).

 Any ideas?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/4021>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>

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