Thank you Vaclav for your input!

otrd., 2020. g. 9. jūn., plkst. 04:34 — lietotājs Vaclav Petras
(<>) rakstīja:
> Hi Maris,
> Well, technically, source code layout is generally not part of an API and we 
> don't promote it that way, so changing it anytime shouldn't be a problem. 
> Practically, there might be build and packaging scripts and local patches 
> people use which may break, but perhaps minor versions are a good match for 
> this work too.

Yes and no. Keep in mind — serious reordering of source code might
break things on our side for some time and might require updating
scripts for packagers. Thus it would be better to do it for G8 as
everyone should expect major breakage on a major release.

> Even just getting the "module families" from the root dir would help. Plus 
> there is couple of issues with the current include, lib/python, and 
> gui/wxpython directories.
> I have extended the page couple of days ago.

Thanks for the good points on problematic places.

> Other things like splitting into multiple files, formatting, or even moving 
> things around also make searching history more complicated and I think this 
> fits into the line with things which are worth it.
> A lot of the changes is independent, so that makes it simpler, but having an 
> overall vision where these would fall in is helpful.
> Best,
> Vaclav

Thanks once more,
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