Thank you!

From: grass-dev <> on behalf of Markus Metz 
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 2:25 PM
To: GRASS developers list <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [GRASS-dev] PROJ6+ / WKT2 support

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Dear all,

I have prepared a rather large PR [0] to include proper support for PROJ6+ and 

The reason is that PROJ6+ uses a new mechanism based on spatial reference id 
(authority name and code) and WKT2 for coordinate transformations. The good old 
GRASS projection definition, a derivate of PROJ4-style definition, is not able 
to capture details of all currently available coordinate reference systems. 
With the recent substantial enhancements in PROJ, it is time for GRASS to use 
these new enhancements. Current support for PROJ6+ in G78 is not complete and 
still contains some bugs.

This PR (together with previous commits) would fix bugs also present in G78:

CRS mismatch [1] between input and output when creating a location from some 
GDAL/OGR recognized input, importing to this location and exporting again. The 
CRS should be exactly preserved. This bug happens when GRASS is compiled with 
PROJ6+ and GDAL3.

A bug in PROJ can cause PROJ to select a wrong coordinate operation with a 
datum transformation grid that does not cover the whole area of interest. In 
these cases, reprojection fails. This PR takes care of this bug.

Fixing these bugs in G78 requires that all changes related to the new SRID and 
WKT2 handling including all affected import and export modules need to be 

Therefore I want to backport all relevant changes from master to G78 in order 
to fix these bugs. These changes do not modify existing function definitions, 
but add new functions to the GRASS headers.

Please let me know if you have objections regarding backporting to G78!

Markus M

grass-dev mailing list

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