Dear OSGeo GSoC Admin team,

here is the project ideas page for GRASS GIS:


On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 10:09 AM Rajat Shinde <>

> Dear All,
> Greetings!
> It is the time of the year to start preparing for the OSGeo's
> participation with the Google Summer of Code 2021 [1] and we need your help
> for the same. With a 100% success for all the GSoC 2020 student projects
> [2], we are highly excited and motivated to invite the OSGeo projects
> (Projects, Incubation projects, Guest Projects) to begin compiling the
> project ideas for GSoC 2021.
> In order to participate in proposing ideas as a project under OSGeo
> umbrella organisation, you just need to send us (admins:  <gsoc-admin at
> osgeo dot org>) the URL for your project's GSoC ideas Wiki page. If you are
> participating for the first time, then you may visit [3] [4] for reference.
> Please remember that every idea should indicate:
>     • A title
>     • A description
>     • 2 Mentors' Details
>     • A test for the students to submit to your evaluation. The test aims
> at evaluating if the student is capable for the project, so please design
> the test having in mind the basic skills required to complete the project.
> The organisation application period starts Jan 30, 2021 and will be open
> till Feb 20, 2021. So, we expect all the URLs by Feb 10, 2021. Here is the
> complete GSoC 2021 timeline [5].
> *Note:* GSoC 2021 comes with some new changes in the program. We
> sincerely request to go through the announcement mentioning new changes [6].
> Thanks and please forward the information to your respective projects
> mailing list!
> Kind regards,
> Rahul and Rajat
> (On behalf of the OSGeo GSoC Admins Team)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
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