On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 1:55 AM Vaclav Petras <wenzesl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 6:45 PM Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org> wrote:
> >
> > I spent some time on this - installed Ubuntu 18.04 from docker and
> > installed GRASS GIS 7.8 and addons inside to run the tests. It comes
> > with Python 3.6:
> >
> > Here what came up (would be easier to see this in GH Action directly
> > since it took me almost an hour to set up the container... ):
> All what you have sent so far can/should be seen in the GH Actions running 
> with the master branch of core grass repo. But since you have set it up,

Due to "battery empty" on laptop I lost the Ubuntu 18.04 based
container, however...

> you can run the r_forestfrag_xy.py from ./raster/r.forestfrag which seems to 
> be the one failing in 7.8 with Python 3.6.

we have a Centos VM with Python 3.6 which I used now.

- r_forestfrag_ncspm.py: OK
- r_forestfrag_xy.py: OK
- r_forestfrag_trivial.py: Failing, see below

GRASS 7.8.5 (nc_spm_08_grass7):/tmp/testsuite > python3 r_forestfrag_trivial.py
WARNING: The window option is deprecated, use the option size instead
Step 1: Computing Pf values...
Step 2: Computing Pff values...
Step 3: Computing fragmentation index...
The following layers were created
The fragmentation index: rff_test_forest_frag_trivial
The proportion forested (Pf): rff_test_forest_frag_trivial_pf
The proportion forested pixel pairs (Pff): rff_test_forest_frag_trivial_pff

FAIL: test_riitters (__main__.TestForestFragTrivial)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "r_forestfrag_trivial.py", line 158, in test_riitters
    self.forest_frag_general(FOREST_RIITTERS, 3, FRAG_RIITTERS)
  File "r_forestfrag_trivial.py", line 146, in forest_frag_general
  File "/usr/lib64/grass78/etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line
771, in assertRastersNoDifference
    reference=statistics, msg=msg)
  File "/usr/lib64/grass78/etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line
254, in assertModuleKeyValue
    self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdMsg))
AssertionError: r.info map=tmp_0ed1ea80157c438eb79d720a781542bf -r difference:
mismatch values (key, reference, actual): [('min', -0.01, 0.00333331346511845)]
command: r.info map=tmp_0ed1ea80157c438eb79d720a781542bf -r {'map':
'tmp_0ed1ea80157c438eb79d720a781542bf', 'flags': 'r'}

Ran 1 test in 3.133s
FAILED (failures=1)

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