Hello All,

I'm applying to Google Summer of Code to work on the "Seamless integration
of GRASS GIS and Jupyter Notebooks" project [1]. I've written a draft of my
application [2] and I'd be grateful for any feedback from the GRASS-dev

I'm also including a brief summary of my ideas here. I hope to make a
Python module or package called grass.jupyter that will make GRASS easier
to use and more intuitive in Jupyter Notebooks (for an example of the
current integration, see [3]). I'm proposing to work on three main tasks:
    (1) updating the launch of GRASS GIS in Jupyter Notebooks by
introducing a new startup function that will make GRASS initiation more
succinct by setting default options (i.e. raise exceptions, show standard
output and allow overwriting).
    (2) creating a more intuitive way to display maps by creating a new
class called grassRenderer
    (3) introducing an interactive map display function using folium, a
python mapping package that creates interactive maps.

I'd love any feedback on those ideas and on my attached proposal [2]. In
particular, I'm interested in your thoughts about the interactive map
display workflow. My current plan would be to render images with GRASS
(d.rast and d.vect) then overlaying the resulting .png image in folium
using the georeferencing information from the GRASS region. An alternative
would be to export GeoTIFF/GeoJSONs then import these to folium. The user
would then set the coloring and style options in folium. The advantages of
the latter would be better display of vector data (since it is not
rasterized) and more future options for interactivity (such as turning on
and off layers). But, it could also make layer styling and coloring more
difficult and add complexity to the module.

Thank you and Happy Friday,

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