PR 1527 introduces Black to wxGUI code. Open PRs will likely need to be
updated before merging.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 11:24 PM Vaclav Petras <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 7:01 AM Luca Delucchi <>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 at 06:00, Vaclav Petras <> wrote:
>> > All this applies to core repo, not the grass-addons repo. Ideas and
>> volunteers are welcome.
>> >
>> Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed to grass-addons?
>> Did you just run blake inside a folder or did you do something more?
> Here is what I did:
> * Applied Black.
> * Added pyproject.toml with configuration for Black.
> * Modified Flake8 rules.
> * Added a Black GitHub workflow.
> The application of Black can use some touches here and there. You need to
> use the same Black version. You may want to modify some lines before and
> after (I did just things I caught for one reason or another - you cannot
> review all changes). You may run Flake8 to check for long lines after you
> applied Black and see if there is something you can resolve. I did separate
> PRs for different directories, but that was because the codebases are
> different in each and also a little bit to minimize conflicts with other
> PRs (these should not be an issue with grass-addons repo). Commit per
> directory, but then squashing them when merging the PR might be a good
> approach for grass-addons.
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