Hi Anna, all

Good point! Thanks for raising this!

Seems we are all trying to better understand band references and how they
integrate with existing functionality :)  In
https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pull/1844/ we discuss temporal framework and
band references.

Indeed, we have a problem if all examples using Landsat will stop working
in grass 8, so if this is the case, then we might need a new version of the
sample data which by the way might also include the MODIS LST mapset (~10
Mb) to do some time series stuff.

In my opinion, band reference should be something optional, no? On the
other hand, I think I understood from Maris that with r.support we could
add band references and that the restrictions were relaxed but these
changes are not yet documented. There's this thread:

Band references need some further discussion IMHO

my 2 cents

El mié, 8 sept 2021 a las 20:56, Anna Petrášová (<kratocha...@gmail.com>)

> Hi devs,
> given the changes with bands (which I still don't fully understand) do we
> need to have a new sample dataset, in which the landsat scenes have bands?
> Context: I was playing with basic classification examples (g.gui.iclass,
> i.gensigset) and apparently it doesn't work and it's giving me error:
> Raster map <lsat7_2002_80@PERMANENT> lacks band reference
> So my questions are:
> 1. Is that expected behavior? Seems little strict to me.
> 2. If yes, then what do I do when working with other data than Landsat,
> Sentinel, etc - g.bands doesn't currently support user-defined references.
> 3. Also, if yes, do we need a sample dataset for GRASS8 then? Otherwise
> any examples with landsat fail.
> Sorry if I misunderstood anything.
> Thanks,
> Anna
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