El jue, 9 dic 2021 a las 23:46, Markus Neteler (<nete...@osgeo.org>)

> On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 2:39 AM Vaclav Petras <wenzesl...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 1:06 PM Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org>
> wrote:
> >> On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 2:10 PM Veronica Andreo <veroand...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> For populating this page I usually use "git log":
> ...
> > You could also use GitHub CLI to get merged PRs with milestone 8.0.0:
> Ok, I have made a major "milestone" cleanup (some hours of stupid
> work, so PLEASE all assign the milestone to their PRs!):
> https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pulls?q=is%3Apr+no%3Amilestone+is%3Aclosed
> gives 0 at time, meaning that each PR has a milestone now assigned.
> I went through 944 unlabeled PRs... :-D

Oh, wow! That's a lot! Thanks Markus!!

> > gh pr list --search "milestone:8.0.0" --state merged --limit 100
> >
> > This gives 93 PRs.
> Now
> - 19 open
> - 827 closed
> > Unfortunately, we also have PRs with no milestone which is 919 items:
> >
> > gh pr list --search "no:milestone" --state merged --limit 100
> >
> Now: "No pull requests match your search in OSGeo/grass" :-)
> In my cleanup session, I have created the missing 7.x milestones in
> GitHub and assigned the respective PRs to them. See here for the
> closed 7.x milestones:
> https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/milestones?direction=desc&sort=due_date&state=closed
> (If anyone comes across a wrong assignment, please just fix it right
> away by reassigning.)
> Method: Due to the sheer amount of unlabeled PRs I used the
> semi-heuristic approach of quick-reading the 944 PR titles and
> (ideally) spotting those which I knew they don't belong to 8.x. In
> addition, I checked the PR merge date and cross-checked that with the
> list of release dates to figure out to which milestone they belong to,
> then assigned them accordingly.
> Overall, it looks much better now.

Impressive, thanks again!

> CHANGELOG creation:
> Auto-generated changelog on command line (btw, how to sort the output via
> API?):
> gh api repos/OSGeo/grass/releases/generate-notes -f tag_name="8.0.0"
> -f target_commitish=releasebranch_8_0 -q .body

What type of sorting do we need? Does it provide the PR number or the hash?
If the number or date, maybe that could help. I have not tested or digged
into it myself so I'm only guessing here

> Alternative (in future use 8.0.0 tag which doesn't exist yet) in the
> browser:
> https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/compare/7.8.6...releasebranch_8_0

Doesn't look as nice, but it's an alternative indeed :)

Thanks again!

PS: PLEASE always assign a milestone to (new) PRs!
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