Hi Devs,

Is there anyone out there who know about usage of the environment variable 
GRASS_NOTIFY, historically and in the present?

In addressing an otherwise trivial compiler warning, I stumbled into this for 
me strange piece of code and usage of GRASS_NOTIFY in the Raster Display 
Library. I put up a PR [1] suggesting the removal of this, but I agree with 
Vaclav I’d better ask here on the ML.

The only use of GRASS_NOTIFY is in “D_close_driver()” [2] and the value of that 
env variable (if set) is directly inserted in a “system()” call, without any 

Furthermore, GRASS_NOTIFY is not documented [3] other than very briefly in API 
docs [4].
There is a note, dated 2009, suggesting its use with ximgview [5].

I’d love to hear of your thoughts, experiences on this.


[1] https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pull/2135
[3] https://grass.osgeo.org/grass80/manuals/variables.html
[5] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2009-December/047194.html
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