On Fri, 8 Apr 2022 at 09:14, Moritz Lennert
<mlenn...@club.worldonline.be> wrote:
> Hi Luca,

Hi Moritz,

> Just two brainstorming ideas:
> - From a rapid glance at the code it seems to me that you create a separate 
> worker for each row in the raster. Correct ? AFAIR, spawning workers does 
> create quite a bit of overhead. Depending on the row to column ratio of your 
> raster, maybe you would be better off sending larger chunks to workers ?

right now I creating a worker for each pixel to be checked against all
the other pixels, yes it could be and idea to send larger chunks, I
could split the array vertically according to the number of processor

> - Depending on the number of parallel jobs, disk access can quickly become 
> the bottleneck on non parallelized file systems. So it would be interesting 
> to see if using fewer processes might actually speed up things. Then it is a 
> question of finding the equilibrium.

ok, this make sense
thanks for your support

> Moritz


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