On Fri, 15 Apr 2022 at 03:49, Adithya Ambapurkar <adina...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have selected test_gunittest_doctests.py file

Perhaps try something else. This one may have additional challenges because
it is doctest. Although it actually runs for me in Binder without errors.

> and tried to run on jupyterlab on binder. I included the necessary grass
> code and when i run it gives some error

There is more than one way to do it, but given what you tried, the best way
to do it for you is to in a notebook:

# Import Python standard library we need.
import os
import sys
import subprocess

# Ask GRASS GIS where its Python packages are.
    subprocess.check_output(["grass", "--config", "python_path"],

# Run the tests.
# (The path is where the source code (with tests) is. In Binder, the source
code is in the user's home directory.)
!python -m grass.gunittest.main --location nc_basic_spm_grass7
--location-type nc

The above works for me in a notebook in Binder and it should work locally
as well.

Alternatively, in Binder, you can also use the Terminal (File > New
Launcher > Terminal) and use `grass` command with --exec instead of the
above Python notebook code. That's what I usually use locally in the
terminal on Ubuntu. An example of the that is here:


The doc for running tests in general is here:


> Without the grass code if i run nothing happens

Not sure what you mean, but I get an error with your notebook. Anyway, I
suggest *not* to run it this way, although you could make it work by adding
%%python (cell magic) at the top of the cell. Then it works, runs tests,
and they pass. I didn't investigate that further. I didn't think of this as
an experimental method before, but probably not a good way of running tests
in general.

> I also tried to run locally and installed grass, pytest, ipython packages
> using pip but it gives grass.gunittest module not found error

Running pytest should not give you "grass.gunittest not found" because
grass.gunittest is not used when running pytest. (Note that you need the
latest code from the main branch to run pytest otherwise pytest will fail
with lots of errors.)

Anyway, the important step likely missing is that you need to add GRASS
Python packages on path.

I run pytest on Ubuntu with the following:

PYTHONPATH=`grass --config python_path`:$PYTHONPATH
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/compiled/grass/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib pytest
/test/file/to/run/name.py -vv

Or, in multiple steps:

export PYTHONPATH=`grass --config python_path`:$PYTHONPATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/compiled/grass/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib
pytest /test/file/to/run/name.py -vv

You can see another example in the pytest.yml workflow for GitHub Actions:

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