On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 7:39 AM Paulo van Breugel
<p.vanbreu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to project a DSM raster layer from Belgium 
> (https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/en/producten-diensten/digital-elevation-model;
>  EPSG 31370 to EPSG 28992 (Amersfoort / RD New).
> The result is a DEM raster layer with the features shifted roughly 100 m as 
> compared to the same features in the AHN (Dutch DEM, 
> https://www.ahn.nl/ahn-4). See screenshot and code below.
> Reprojecting the same in QGIS using the warp function (gdalwarp) results in 
> the Belgium DSM layer to be fairly closely aligned to the Dutch one.
> I tried to set the bounds before, align to the target raster, and other 
> suggestions in the help file of r.proj, to no avail. Any idea what I might be 
> doing wrong?

Just guessing, maybe some geodetic datum file missing?

Maybe try this?

# https://proj.org/usage/environmentvars.html#envvar-PROJ_NETWORK

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