On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Markus Neteler wrote:


in our COPYING file and other places we still list FBK as primary
headquarter. Martin suggested to change that (although he's still there).

Proposal (although I would prefer an European address ;-) ):

The Geographic Resources Analysis and Support System (GRASS)
Geographic Information System (GIS) is Copyright by the
GRASS Development Team headquartered at the
Open Source Geospatial Foundation, USA.
Questions regarding GRASS GIS should be directed to the
GRASS Development Team at the following address:

GRASS Development Team
c/o M. Neteler (GRASS PSC Chair)
Fondazione Mach  -  Centre for Alpine Ecology
38100 Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento)
neteler osgeo.org

What's your opinion?

Well the GRASS development team isn't a legal entity anyway. Is it not true that the copyright of the GRASS code is held by its individual authors? Changing the definition of the "GRASS development team" from being associated with a particular physical location to being associated with an organisation doesn't really improve or clarify anything IMHO.

Another point could be that the reason for that phrase being there was to associate a physical location/place with the copyright in case that was important or required. But OSGeo is an organisation rather than a location so that is lost too with the proposed change.

My inclination would be to not bother changing anything unless we're going to do a thorough overhaul and make sure it is correct and complies with whatever relevant laws etc.

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