Are you sending us a Zoom link or is it the same as last time?


C. Michael Barton
Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change (
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity (
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2701

Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & Ecological Sciences 

personal website:

On Jul 28, 2022, at 12:03 AM, Veronica Andreo 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Vashek,

Thanks for your reply! I'll ping you in the chat regarding stickers then :)

The suggested time for this friday "GRASS 39 b-day" sounds good to me! I'll 
send out an invite to the lists and then, tomorrow before the meeting you can 
send the link as we have done before :)

For the PSC meeting , yes, it would be great if you can take over this time. If 
my plans change then, I'll join as well.

See you tomorrow!

El mié, 27 jul 2022 a las 20:53, Vaclav Petras 
(<<>>) escribió:
Hi Vero!

On Wed, 27 Jul 2022 at 12:00, Veronica Andreo 
<<>> wrote:

I am reaching out for different reasons:
- Stickers: I'm thinking it would be nice to take some GRASS stickers to 
FOSS4G, no? Shall we order them? Maybe 500 or even more, and then each of us 
can get some to take to other events. If you agree I can order them and get 
them delivered in brussels or have them sent elsewhere

Yes, that sounds great. Let's chat off the list about what to get.

- GRASS birthday this friday: Last year we did the psc meeting on grass 
birthday, maybe we are already too close to the date this time?? What do you 

Maybe, not a PSC meeting, but more a community call. We can gather feedback on 
things like 8.2, single window, ... What about Friday 15:00 UTC?

15:00 UTC
17:00 CET
11am ET
8am MT

- Upcoming PSC meeting: the planned date is Friday August 12th. Unfortunately 
that day got a bit complicated for me with traveling. Clearly you can still 
meet that day or we can also move it to FOSS4G and so some of us will be in 
person. What do you say?

...and some people won't be at FOSS4G in person. Let's have a virtual meeting 
on the 12th. I can take over organizing that one.

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