Andreas Neumann wrote:
> I am trying to use postgis datasets read-only using v.external. However, I
> am having problems. Here is my command:
> v.external dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=uster user=an password=mypw"
> layer=natur.naturnahe_gaerten output=gaerten
> And here is my error message:
> Sorry, <dbname> is not a valid parameter
> Sorry, <user> is not a valid parameter
> Sorry, <password> is not a valid parameter
> I expected to run into problems with schemas, maybe, but not with the
> login. What am I doing wrong in the dsn parameters?

For some reason the "quotes" are being removed from your command and so the PG:
settings are being treated as command line parameters to v.external. As
v.external doesn't have those options, you get the error message from the GRASS
command line parser.


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