Hi Luca,

maybe you need to run v.net on the network first, see
its man page for instructions to add missing nodes.


On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 06:39:56PM +0100, Luca Casagrande wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> i am doing the tutorial from:
> http://grass.itc.it/grass63/manuals/html63_user/v.lrs.create.html
> and all seem fine, until I run the last command (v.lrs.create).
> v.lrs.create --o busroute points=busstops out=route_lrs err=lrs_error
> lidcol=lid pidcol=lid rstable=route_lrs thresh=50
> This is the error:
> WARNING: Not enough points (0) attached to the line (cat 1), line skip.
> ..
> WARNING: Not enough points (0) attached to the line (cat 16), line skip.
> After that out_lines is empty and lrs_error show the whole network.
> Am I missing something?
> Thank you
> Luca
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