Well, different errors. I assume you wanted that file in the gdal-grass directory as created by tar, which in my case is

I "sourced" the file. Error message is --with-grass=/root/grass63/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Markus Neteler wrote:

since I am a lazy person, I have made this a script:

this may help you. It compiles and installs the plugin right away from
the GDAL source code, you don't even have to download the
separate plugin code (which is really just taken from the GDAL
source code).

Maybe that helps,

On Jan 1, 2008 9:49 PM, gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have tried pointing to where:
1) the tarball was extracted
2) the directory lib, contained in the directory where the tarball was
3) a directory called grass-6.2.3, which was created in /usr/local
4) the directory lib in the above directory

That is:
1) /usr/local/src/grass/grass-6.2.3
2) /usr/local/src/grass/grass-6.2.3/lib
3) /usr/local/grass-6.2.3
4) /usr/local/grass-6.2.3/lib

The error message is
configuration error --with-grass= blah blah blah libraries not found

Maciej Sieczka wrote:
gary wrote:
Is this supposed to point to where I extract the grass tarball?
Yes. Eg. --with-grass=/usr/local/grass-6.3.svn


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