
> I will look into your suggestions.
> The reason I need this information is that a colleague
> of mine is preparing some simple GIS tutorials where he
> wants to outline some basic data processing.
Please give us a feedback to the list about what you found
to be the most simple and straight forward way.

> The solution for this needs to be simple and should
> not involve too much data conversion or the use of
> external tools and drivers that may not be present
> in the GRASS/QGIS download bundle ...
This sentence should be highlighted boldly.
A lot of advise/tips here on the list and in the wiki may be helpful to have a
flexible solution of the problem. But in most cases, user *just* want to do the
task the things the most /simple/ and straight forwards way.
The workers time is more costly than computing speed or
performance because good computers are available.

So, Benjamins collegue is in a difficult position:
Explaining unser why to use a different tool set (GRASS & QGIS) which is in
advanced use cases (automatisation, scripting, integration) more powerful
while users are looking in a easy and straight forward way to do common GIS
tasks quickly and with a short learing curve.
If I may guess, students would be better off with something like gvSIG which
offers more usability to beginners.
When they adavnce they could switch to GRASS...

But still, please post your solution.

Kind regards,

grass-user mailing list

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