From: Jonathan Greenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] Virtual memory available to cygwin GRASS
To: grass-user <>
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There are ongoing issues with various windows incarnations of GRASS. Cygwin has had some issues with large files and higher memory addressing pretty much since its incarnation (I wrestled with this quite a bit a few years back). You might want to try the new grass binary that relies on mingw, I've seen my memory spike higher than 1gb during some analyses...
Thanks, I have that installed for testing but most of what I do with GRASS involves batch processing via bash scripts that also call d.mon, so I have to stick to Cygwin for now.
or, install unix someplace!
I have done that on every windows machine I have worked with, by installing Ubuntu/GRASS dual boot (as suggested on this ML). I still keep working also under windows because many (should I say all?) people and institutions I collaborate with require a windows version of everything.

I look forward to start experimenting with GRASS/d.mon functionality and meanwhile try to get some experience with Python, as this seems the future direction for cross-platform batch processing in GRASS -- am I wrong?


Luigi Ponti wrote:


As a less-than-two-year old cygwin/GRASS user, I have never seen virtual memory going over 1 GB while doing intensive computations with GRASS (e.g., interpolation). I haven't found much on the topic in the web so I tried the following to increase virtual memory available to cygwin:

but noticed no difference and so I am wondering whether cygwin/GRASS gets compiled with the -mno-cygwin flag that apparently allows programs to allocate up to 1920 MBytes:

Does anybody has experience with this?

Thanks and regards,

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