Kunal Malik wrote:

> If i don't know the Projection Information of the File to be Imported,could
> i import the raster/vector file available..

The "Projection of dataset does not appear to match the current
location" error can only occur if the file is georeferenced. If it
isn't, r.in.gdal will just assume that it matches the projection of
the current location.

As Frank mentions, you can use gdalinfo to obtain the georeferencing

And you can use "r.in.gdal location=" or "g.proj -c location=" to
create a new location with the correct projection based upon what's in
the file.

If a file isn't georeferenced and you don't have that information
available, you can import the file into an location with an X/Y
projection, although you will lose the ability to perform operations
which require projection information (e.g. reprojection).

More generally, if you have some data but don't know what part of the
planet that data refers to, you don't really have any data. It's like
knowing that the answer is 42 without knowing what the question is.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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