> > maning sambale:
> >> Using v.rast.stats in grass6.3 both in cygwin and
> >> native windows,
> >>
> >> v.rast.stats [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>   layer=1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] colprefix=dem
> >>   percentile=90
> >>
> >> I get this error
> >>
> >> :/GRASS/scripts/v.rast.stats: r.cats: command not found
> >>
> >> I see no entry in the 6.3 manual on r.cats
> >>
> >> any ideas on using v.rast.stats?

> > Are you using the official 6.3.0 or an old SVN
> > snapshot? I though this was fixed for 6.3.0.
> >
> > r.cats was renamed r.category, and (with 6.3.0) there
> > should be a r.cats script which calls r.category.
> > Before the script there was a symlink (alias)
> > for it, but that didn't work so well with MSys and
> > so was replaced with the forwarding script.
> >
> > since then v.rast.stats has been updated to use the
> > new name.

> from
> http://grass.ibiblio.org/grass63/binary/mswindows/cygwin/
> downloaded last 2008/05/08
> According to the site
> grass-6.3.0-2.cygwin.tar.bz2 22-Apr-2008 10:09   20M
> So the packages are 22 of April.

hmmm, don't know. the r.cats script should be there- it was included in the 
release source code:

oh well. the easiest solution is to edit the v.rast.stats script in a text 
editor to rename it, as seen here:

(maybe do the edit in something more advanced than notepad - something that can 
handle UNIX newlines. e.g. TextPad, or nedit in Cygwin)



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