On Wed, 2008-06-11 at 23:10 +0200, Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> Nikos Alexandris pisze:
> > I was asked about freely available geo-data concerning the South of 
> > Germany.
> > 
> > AFAIK, best available elevation data are the SRTM3 data. About 
> > topographical data I am aware of some commercial data (1:25.000). The
> >  friend who asked me is satisfied with a 1:50.000 topo-map.
> > 
> > Any "secret" sources?
> I don't know how secret these are, but:
> http://mapcenter.cgpsmapper.com/catalogue.php?country=55
> http://mapcenter2.cgpsmapper.com/catalogue.php?country=130
> *How* free these are varies from map to map. As well as the quality.
> These are in so called Polish format. Most complete description is
> available in cGPSmapper manual AFAIK [1]. There is a freeware (closed)
> program for converting them into Shapefiles [2]. Some other converter
> [3]. Mateusz Loskot has worked on an OGR driver, but I don't know
> details (CCing him).
> [1]http://www.cgpsmapper.com/manual.htm
> [2]http://www.msh-tools.com/Ptxt2shp.html
> [3]http://www.gpslib.net/services/Polish-to-Google.Earth/
> Maciek
> P.S.
> Please better ask generic free GIS data questions on FreeGIS ML.

Thank you a lot for the information.

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