
 I understand these advice.

 It need to rebuild or re-compile grass, I guess.

 Thank you.

> Dear all
> Thank you useful advice.... but I failed.
> I installed splite3 by using cygwin set up module.
> After that, I check splite3 operation at command line.
> > GRASS 6.3.0 (idokeido_japan):~ > sqlite3
> > SQLite version 3.5.1
> > ....
> I made new mapset as follows:
> g.mapset -c mapset=new_db location=idokeido_japan gisdbase='/home/shimada'
> And I tried to connect... , but failed.
> db.connect driver=sqlite database='home/shimada/idokeido_japan/new_db/sqlite.
> .
> ......ERROR: value <sqlite> out of range for parameter <driver>
>        Legal range: dbf,ogr,pg
> GRASS 6.3.0 (idokeido_japan):~ > db.drivers -p
> dbf
> ogr
> pg
> Why ???
> shimada
> ----------
> "Martin Landa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>‚³‚ñF
> > Hi,
> >
> > 2008/7/25  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > I want to manage grass database with SQLite
> > >
> > > So, I input following command from keyboard:
> > >
> > > db.connect driver=sqlite database='gis/latlon_jpn/PERMANENT/sqlite.db'
> > >
> > > Error: value <sqlite> out of range for parameter <driver>
> > >       Legal range: dbf,ogr,pg....
> > >
> > > Why error massage ?
> >
> > GRASS need to be compiled with sqlite support (--with-sqlite switch).
> > You can check supported db drivers in your installation with
> >
> > db.drivers -p
> >
> > Regards, Martin
> >
> > --
> > Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
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