Hello lists,

The GRASS Image Processing Environment (GIPE) is a set of modules
dedicated to satellite image processing being developed (outside
initially, then) in the SVN Addons for a couple of years now. It
performs pre-processing and processing of some common tasks found in
satellite remote sensing (DN to reflectance, vegetation/water indices,
Albedo, emissivity, etc), and also some less common like
evapotranspiration or soil moisture calculations.

54 modules are there, so attached is a list of them with a one liner
description and grouped by skills.

GIPE has menu entries seemlessly integrated into tcltk and wxpython
upon installation.

With this email I would like to ask for any developer/users potential
interest to include some of the GIPE modules into the main GRASS GIS
SVN, if any of them could find some public use.

for devs: I have done code cleaning/standardization and
grass_indent.sh parsing on all modules but three (r.evapo.PM,
r.hydro.CASC2D, i.vi.grid).

thank you,

Yann Chemin
International Rice Research Institute
Office: http://www.irri.org/gis
Perso: http://www.freewebs.com/ychemin

Attachment: readme.gipe
Description: Binary data

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