Qui, 2008-09-18 às 18:33 -0700, Hamish escreveu:
> Luís Ferreira wrote:
> > Using g.gisenv and g.gisenv --help:
> > 
> >            GRASS 6.4.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > g.gisenv
> >            GISDBASE=/home/lf/GRASSDATA
> >            LOCATION_NAME=nc_spm_08
> >            MAPSET=user1
> >            "GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=/usr/lib/iceweasel/iceweasel"
> >            GRASS_DB_ENCODING=iso8859-1
> >            GRASS_GUI=wxpython
> edit ~/.grassrc6 and remove the GRASS_HTML_BROWSER line.
> Besides not needing the "quotes" it doesn't belong in that file as it is
> an environment variable not a GIS system variable.
> running this before starting GRASS should get that set correctly:
>  export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=iceweasel
> (assuming you use bash)
> Hamish

Editing ~/.grassrc6 solved all the r.fillnulls error warnings in bash,
gis.m and g.gui.

Thank you very much

Luís Ferreira

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