On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 02:26 +0600, Zahid Parvez wrote:
> Sir
> I have successfully installed GRASS GIS from the link
> "http://grass.osgeo.org/grass63/binary/mswindows/";  software in my PC.
> I is installed in  " c:\ GRASS " folder. 
> I have installed Spearfish and northDakoda data in    "GIS DataBase"
> folder.
> Now I wonder how can I start my learning.Would you please give me
> advice on  a way to start 
> learning the soft systematically and effectively.
> My heartiest gratitude for your kind help.
> Sincerely Yours
> Md. Zahid Parvez
> M.S.C student
> Bangladesh Engineering University(B.U.E.T)
> Dhaka,Bangladesh

Hi Zahid.

First take some time reading http://grass.osgeo.org/intro/firsttime.php
in the official GRASS-GIS web page.

Then try to play around with the data you already have or take a look at
http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/tutorials.php where several tutorials give
you a starting point.

A nice introduction to GRASS' "structure" can be found in the GRASS
manual http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/helptext.html.
You can learn a lot about what you can do with GRASS by reading (again
in the manual) the raster processing and vector processing sections:

Post in the list if you have any kind of difficulties. But it's a good
idea to search for an answer that has been already given in this lists
archive (look here for links

Hope you like the GRASS-GIS experience.

Greetings, Nikos

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