Hi Matt,

I'm using Grass on a dual-boot Vista/Xubuntu 7.10 machine. It's mine, so my data live on the NTFS partition and I can mount it with me as the owner (and group). It took me a while to figure it out, and now I can't remember how I did it, but my fstab entry looks like this:

/dev/sda3 /media/OS ntfs-3g umask=0002,uid=mbessjs3,gid=mbessjs3,allow_other 0 0

Hopefully that works for you, too.


Matt B wrote:

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 1:14 AM, Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Matt B wrote:

    > > Note that GRASS won't let you select a mapset as the current
    > > (where new files are stored) unless you own it. Write
    permission isn't
    > > sufficient.
    > >
    > > If you are creating a location which is to be shared by multiple
    > > users, you either need to create a mapset directory for each user,
    > > owned by the user, or grant all such users write permission on the
    > > location directory so that they can create their own mapset
    > > (which they will own).
    > Thanks for the heads up on this Glynn, my problem is that I'm on
    a dual boot
    > system and I'm storing mapsets/data on an NTFS drive. It's being
    > automatically mounted with the owner set as root and read/write
    > for everyone. If I put the data on the ext3 filesystem, it
    works. I'll mess
    > around with fstab and mount the data drive as the appropriate
    user. Having
    > said that.... it does seem to me that this sort of check is
    doubling up.
    > File permissions are usually run by the file system/OS. While
    having a
    > sanity check for "read/write" access is a good idea, checking
    for ownership
    > seems a little over the top. <insert newby user disclaimer here>.

    AFAICT, the check exists because otherwise people grant group-write
    permission to mapset directories without fully understanding the
    consequences. In particular, you can end up being unable to modify,
    rename or remove files because they reside in a directory created by
    another user and lacking group-write permission.

    The possibility of "free-for-all" filesystems (i.e. where not only are
    all files and directories world-writable, but where any new files and
    directories will always be world-writable) has only arisen recently.

    The native Windows builds skip the ownership check, but Unix builds
    will perform it regardless of the filesystem type. Unfortunately, I
    don't know of any (robust and portable) way to detect when a Windows
    filesystem is being used on Unix.

    Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>

After banging my head against the ntfs wall for a little while here (for some reason the guys who write the ntfs stuff also have some ideas on who should be allowed to mount / own filesystems and block devices). While writing software for the lowest common denominator isn't necessarily a bad thing, including this sort of thing in the software to stop people overwriting others files does seem a little redundant and in my case annoying. I'll add another disclaimer in case someone points out that theres an easy fix for this as I'm the guy who can't get an ntfs partition mounted without it being owned by root (without recompiling stuff that would probably break on the next apt-get update).

I'll be running this from my somewhat smaller ext3 partition for the time being unless someone can point me at a "don't do this check" button (please, someone point me at that button).



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Dr John Stevenson
Postdoctoral Research Associate
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