Hamish wrote:
> > ogr2ogr gives this warning for GPX->shp:
> >  Warning 6: Field time create as date field, though DateTime requested.
> >  Warning 6: Field time create as date field, though DateTime requested.
> >  Warning 6: Field time create as date field, though DateTime requested.
> >
> > and time column in track_points shapefile is empty when it has a value,
> > and 0 when not. In GRASS with v.in.ogr track_points layer fills in
> > previous column (elevation) in time column when there is no timestamp,
> > or real timestamp when it does have it.  mmph.
> Could this be related:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2474
> "DateTime -> Date write support in Shapefile support"
> ?

for the ogr2ogr problem I'd say yes. Amazing timing, fixed 14 hours ago.

For the GRASS problem perhaps it helps, I'm not sure. They are two
different issues at the end, but maybe they have the same grandparent.

to expand on previous layer issues, v.in.ogr creates 5 tables for 5
layers with GPX input, but names tables as <${MAPNAME}_ogr_[1-5]> instead
of naming the tables as route, route_points, track, trk_pts, wpts as with
SHP output from ogr2ogr. So somwhere "_ogr_${n}" needs some work.
Is table name the usual way folks manage which layer is which?



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