On Dec 1, 2008, at 11:14 AM, William Kyngesburye wrote:

On Dec 1, 2008, at 12:46 PM, Adam Dershowitz wrote:

I have 6.4 SVN binaries online now. Tested on Leopard so far. I also updated the build instructions in the source.

A couple important changes from my previous binaries (the build instructions also reflect these changes):

- It uses ActiveTcl 8.5 now for the TclTk GUI and NVIZ. This "aqua-fies" the TclTk GUI. The X11 TclTk is not bundled now and not needed.

- It uses up-to-date wxPython binaries, even on Leopard. Starting with wxPython 2.8.8, it can install to be used with the Leopard system Python 2.5 as well as the python.org Python. This may interfere with the wx gui in GRASS 6.3, but it's not as well developed anyways.


I downloaded this. So far the basics seem fine, but I get an error when I try to use nviz. The error is below:

Do I have to separately install a new version of TclTK? I have both whatever is installed with the default 10.5.5, and I also use MacPorts and I have tcl 8.5.5 and tk 8.5.5 installed from Macports. Do I need to install something else? Or is nviz just looking in the wrong place and needs to get pointed in the right direction?

Yes.  It is mentioned in the readme.

The GUI can use any TclTk, but NVIZ and v.digit require the TclTk 8.5 Aqua framework (ActiveTcl or compiled from source).

OSX 10.5 only has TclTk 8.4 Aqua. There are problems with this version.

I'm not sure about Macports, but I think that's an X11 TclTk.

Ooops.  Sorry I missed the readme.
I checked and by default the Macports Tk is X11. But there is a flag to build it for aqua (the flag is just +quartz) and that in term passes the "--enable-aqua" flag to the tk build. It worked fine to build. And now when I run Grass 6.4 the look is different, so clearly it was using the X11 version, and now is using the aqua version. But I still get the same error that I did before. I think that it is correctly building Tk for aqua, but it not generating a framework, and NVIZ seems to want it located in that specific location as a framework. Does NVIZ do something a little unusual about finding the path? Or does Tk do something unusual. I have looked at the portfile (build instructions essentially) for Tk and it looks like it is just putting that extra flag in place and not doing much else. So I think that it is pretty much identical to building with default settings from source.

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