This could help:

2008/12/8 Alex Mandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
>> I was hoping for a "crash course" in performing a spatial join between a
>> polygon and a point layer in GRASS.  I want to know, for each polygon in
>> vector A, how many points from vector B fall within it, and the average,
>> min, max and stdev of several numeric fields of those points from vector
>> B falling in a given polygon from vector A.  I was trying to do this in
>> Arc but (surprise surprise) it keeps crashing...
>> --j
> I can think of several ways to do this, though I haven't tried to do any
> of things I'm about to mention.
> The most elegant seems to be:
> 1.v.what.vect
> Create a column in the point layer to hold the polgyon id then use this
> command to populate it based on the polygon layer. Once you have that
> you can sum, avg, min, max with sql on the point table and group by
> polygon id which let's you link it back to the polygon layer as a 1:1.
> Other things to look at
> v.patch
> v.distance
> v.overlay
> Note specifically for you and other UCDavis affiliates we have a copy of
> the GRASS book in the library(currently checked out) and have access to
> the springer digital version.
> just log into the library
> proxy/vpn first.
> Of course this could also be done in PostGIS and possibly Spatialite
> SQLite(Testing that right now) with a single query.
> Alex
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